New Faculty Development Program

Program Overview

The Delaware Technical Community College New Faculty Development Program (NFD) supports newly hired, full-time instructors to design and teach student-centered courses using instructional practices and engagement strategies grounded in equity, diversity, and access. NFD engages faculty in professional learning experiences focused on designing and delivering instruction that contributes to student engagement, achievement, and success in an inclusive environment. Additionally, the program provides opportunities for faculty members to collaborate and learn with colleagues within and across disciplines and locations.

Who Participates in NFD?

Instructors who are newly hired, permanent, and full-time are required to complete the New Faculty Development Program, regardless of experience or education. Exceptions may be given by the vice president for Academic Affairs based on a recommendation from the dean of instruction and department chair. Newly hired, temporary, full-time instructors may be invited to participate. Adjunct instructors are invited to enroll in Instruction, Design, and Technology (IDT) courses offered by the Center for Creative Instruction and Technology.

Program Details

The New Faculty Development Program directly supports the ability of newly hired instructors to design and teach student-centered courses. Program components are listed below.

Instructors will complete the NFD program in one academic year as a cohort. The program components are described below:

Step 1 - Attend the NFD Information Session (60 minutes)

The NFD program will be explained, and participants will meet each other and the mentors. This session will be offered at the beginning of each semester (fall and spring). Participants are only required to attend one session and a video recording will be available.

Step 2 - Establish Professional Goals (approx. 2 hours)

The next step is to identify your strengths and areas of improvement related to teaching. We suggest you complete the Self-Evaluation Worksheet (PDF) for this purpose. Then, you will outline your goals for growth as an instructor throughout the NFD Program. This process will enable you to devise a professional development plan based on your specific needs. Work with your mentor and department chair to set goals and be sure to include them on your performance evaluation. The NFD Individual Plan Part 1 (.docx) will be completed by each participant during the first month of employment.

Step 3 - Demonstrate competencies of effective course design and teaching practices (approx. 3 hours per week)

NFD participants will complete all coursework outlined below.

Essentials of Distance Education

  • Establish powerful learning outcomes
  • Align assessments with course outcomes
  • Align activities and assignments with course outcomes
  • Develop fair, consistent, and transparent grading practices
  • Develop and use rubrics and checklists

Create an Inclusive and Supportive Learning Environment
ACUE Microcredential Course

  • Welcome students to learning
  • Promote civil learning environment
  • Engage underprepared students
  • Help students persist in learning
  • Embrace diversity in learning
  • Check for student understanding
  • Provide useful feedback

Promote Active Learning
ACUE Microcredential Course

  • Develop effective modules and microlectures
  • Teach powerful note-taking
  • Use groups to ensure active learning
  • Use the active learning cycle
  • Plan effective discussions
  • Facilitate engaging discussions

Inspire Inquiry and Prepare Lifelong Learners in Your Course
ACUE Microcredential Course

  • Motivate your students
  • Provide clear directions and explanations
  • Integrate visualization tools
  • Use data and feedback to improve teaching
  • Use advanced questioning
  • Develop self-directed learners

The course plan, shown below, demonstrates the one-year timeline for course completion. IDT G20 will be delivered online by CCIT during the first seven weeks of the fall semester. Each ACUE microcredential course is an eight-week hybrid format.

Academic Year 2024-25 Course Plan Timeline*

  • Fall 2024 Semester: October 14-December 2
    • August 12 - 10-month faculty return
    • August 26-October 13 - IDT G20, Essentials of Distance Education
    • October 14-December 1 - ACUE Microcredential course
  • Spring 2025 Semester: January 6-May 11
    • January 6 - Faculty return
    • January 21-March 9 - ACUE Microcredential course
    • March 17-May 11 - ACUE Microcredential course

* The course offering dates are approximated and subject to change.

Step 4 - Collaborate with mentor and other colleagues

Each NFD participant will complete at least one observation of another instructor and be observed teaching once each semester.

Step 5 - Capstone Presentation

The capstone for NFD is a presentation that highlights completion of the program objectives. The presentation should focus on professional growth since beginning the NFD program and be related to one’s teaching experience at the College. The administrative intern for professional development will facilitate an optional workshop each semester to support faculty as they prepare for the capstone. You will present to the following campus personnel: dean of instruction, assistant dean of instruction, department chair, and mentor. Other members of the College community may be invited to attend as well. Guidelines for the presentation are available as a slide deck. Progress will be documented by the NFD participant using Part 2 of the New Faculty Development Individual Plan (.docx) .

Additional Training

Additional training may be offered to help you understand the College and campus. The topics may include academic advisement, accreditation, and assessment. You may also have opportunities to meet with other new faculty to share successes and challenges.